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Attribute text box

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I am sure this seems a basic thing but i cannot see the answer anywhere.


I have a product that has an attribute that gives a cut size, so for example, cut size: 200mm, 150mm, 100mm, 50mm etc. the selection of size does not effect the price.


However, ultimately the customer can have any size they want between the range of 1mm to 200mm, so i wanted to create an attribute text box that stated bespoke cut size: and they enter in the size they want, so for example 168mm. But i cannot see how you can create a text box, only drop down menus.


Can anyone help?



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I am sure this seems a basic thing but i cannot see the answer anywhere.


I have a product that has an attribute that gives a cut size, so for example, cut size: 200mm, 150mm, 100mm, 50mm etc. the selection of size does not effect the price.


However, ultimately the customer can have any size they want between the range of 1mm to 200mm, so i wanted to create an attribute text box that stated bespoke cut size: and they enter in the size they want, so for example 168mm. But i cannot see how you can create a text box, only drop down menus.


Can anyone help?





do you try the solution for the attribute textbox?






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