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[Sovled] Size of cache in PrestaShop

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We create a shop who has only 365 products and 100-200 visitors per day (69k visits at all).


At the moment cachefs folder has few GB... is this normal? Why cache folder is so so big? Every single visitor generate his own cache?


At this time we analyze cache system in PrestaShop but maybe on this forum it's person who has the same problem?


@solved: cachefs is not working, now is disabled

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The cache is so big, because the cache FS is buggy. The only solution I've found so far is just to disable the FS cache clear the "cachefs" folder and then to enable it again.


Personally I do not recommend my clients to use the CacheFS. Disabling "Force compile" and enabling smarty cache is enough. Using FS cache in some cases damages the performance instead of boosting it.

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