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help please!


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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/14/d273421339/htdocs/classes/PDF.php:1) in /homepages/14/d273421339/htdocs/tools/fpdf/fpdf.php on line 1032

FPDF error: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file


any help please


thank you,


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thanks anyway.

here's the solution :)

I fixed it, deleted the original file via ftp, tried to generate a pdf. I also flushed the cache (sometines I have found it helps when errors still show when you know nothing is wrong (ipconfig /flushdns) in the Start - Run on your computer.

Dragged and dropped the original file to the Classes folder (rather than upload because sometimes - for me at least) it doesn't copy over it and keeps the original.

Now I have the invoice back.


Best Regards,


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