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Can prestashop be used for bidding purposes? That is I want to create an auction site BUT I do not want users to add/delete products...registered users can just bid on products added by admin.

Is this possible?


What about processing credit card payments?

Please let me know as I want to build an auction site using prestashop wherein only the admin can add/delete/modify products



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I'm just a user and can't/don't want to speak for PrestaShop, but I seriously doubt they will come out with an auction version.  You see, it would probably require whole different platform, not a mere modification. 


There is auction software out there (as far as I know, none free), but I don't know much about any of it.  You can probably find a forum or few which discuss this subject somewhere out there on the www to help point you in the right direction.


I can see where where a private auction site could work if you already have a strong and loyal customer base built up through catalogue sales in, say, a collectibles niche, but I doubt there is huge demand for such software.  I could be wrong.  It's an interesting approach and I'll be interested to hear how you do with it. 


I hope this was helpful to you and wish you best of luck!

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Hello guys, I suggest you to check out our auction module with all the detailed installation and configuration instructions for a full performance. This model is currently working on your mentioned idea. We created it for prestashop and it is easy to adapt by all your necessary requirements. Also you can try demo version just to make sure.

Contact me if you have extra questions.



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