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Stop out of stock email


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Hi - I've seen this addressed in a couple of other posts and still don't quite understand how to stop Prestashop back office from sending every single customer an "out of stock" email. This does NOT encourage new customers!!!


We've gone through the options and have unchecked various things, a run-through of the options we should be looking at in v 1.4 would be helpful.


The person who set this up for us made changes at code level and has never shown us how to follow what they did; we're afraid to even update store software.


If you suggest making changes in code, please outline the steps required to get into the appropriate files! I'm guessing I can access php files through our ftp client, but again, I have never had anyone teach me how this process works. And oh yeah, I'm mightily afraid of "breaking" the site. A reminder on how to comment changes would be much appreciated too.

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