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Check whether the language is RTL or LTR in TPL file

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hello all.



i design a theme for prestashop 1.4 .

it support both RTL & LTR language


i change a few detail in tpl file .

so i need to check language is ltr or rtl in tpl file



i override classes and controllers


in php file

to check it

such this


$language = new Language($cookie->id_lang);

if ($language->is_rtl)



but i need check in a tpl file


someone konow how i do it

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You can access the current language id by {$cookie->id_lang} in tpl files.


I guess if you don't have many languages,you can hardcode what you desire by :


{if $cookie->id_lang eq 1}

 {* English language,therefore LTR *}
 do english processing here

{elseif $cookie->id_lang eq 2}

{* persian language,therefore RTL  -- remember to adapt id_lang of persian language *}
do other processing here





But, if you really need this dynamic :


In tpl files,you can have access to all languages present by this global array $languages. It stores all information about the active languages.


So,your code might roughly look like that :


{foreach from=$languages item=$language}

{* i guess you'll want to know which language is active and you'll want to do some processing with that *}

{if ($cookie->id_lang eq $language.id_lang) AND $language.is_rtl eq 1}

do RTL processing here


do LTR here



This should work,but i didn't test anything ;)



$cookie { active cookie }

$languages { grabs available languages }



This is an old post,but hope it helps someone someday :)

Edited by martyn (see edit history)
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