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[Solved] Prestashop is no longer sending email alerts

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My Prestashop just started stopping with sending e-mail alerts out when a new customer have made an order and I havent touched the shop for months.


I have tested with several different e-mail addresses without any luck.


Im running running Prestashop and the e-mail order alert module v2.2 that is standard in Prestashop. And its installed on a windows server so it cant be anything with cmod files right?


Any suggestion why this have happen?

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I'm not hosting on godaddy. Also my mails get crazy since 2 days. Shop was sending all in double, one mail with teh order values, and the other only with variables and no values. I'm not sure if this problem comes, because I just before moved the DB to a 64bit platform. Shopping cart also stopped to work after this, I fixed it and one day after again fatal error/order cannot be processed and the fix on DB was unmade by magic hand. I use SMTP

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For me not solved I was using my own SMTP. Problem still actual. SMTP Mail is blocked. With PHP-mail contact form displays error messages, although shop admin receive the mails. Customer mail copy is not sending at all.




Can you post here the errors you encountered while using the PHP mail() function? it should work fine.


If not, you should ask your hosting provider for a valid SMTP (with or without authentication).


In 99.99% of the situations, the PHP mail() function will work like a charm.



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Hi Bruno,


Of course:


It seems that although PHP-mail works, there are dependences on some forms or settings, like the password generation.

If you set the first time SMTP, and than you change to PHP- mail, it would be ignored.

SMTP was broken for me, in the meantime it works again.

I've too already moved my Projects to another provider and during tests I've seen that the SMTP is broken. My last provider didn't react in the time I expected, so I started tests on other Servers...


This was the error by changing from SMTP to PHP-mail. All mail worked get out, but user didn't received any copy of the mails (password, orders....). For password fronted there came: fatal error/mail cannot be processed. By enable debugging it cames:


Warning: mail() ['function.mail']: SMTP server response: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\www. xxxx \tools\swift\Swift\Plugin\MailSend.php on line 160 -.


It was aslo strange for me that when I tried to change on BO - references -> mail the password of SMTP (I thought here was the problem) it wasn't rewritten in the DB. The old password still remains there without any change. I changed it than manually, but this also failed.


I too opened a post on bug_tracker. But ok... http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFI-3451.


During my tests and moving I also found some other issues concerning dependendes on a specific DB or settings. For all them I opened a post on bug_tracker.

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