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Admin side category list for product loads very slow

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I have a problem with product category list loading very slow. Something like 1-2 minutes.


I just migrated from Joomla + Virtuemart to prestashop. I didn't have the same problem with virtuemart it was always realy fast.


Can you tell me what is the problem? Do i have some kind of problems with my server? I have a virtual private server so it is quite fast. Front end works perfectly.


I also just purchased new template and modules so don't want not to use them.


I have 3000+ categories and 10000+ products.

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I found the problem and it is a module that i purchased.


It is this module:

AJAX Dropdown Categories v1.7 by Nethercott Construct...

Dynamically loads product categories and presents them in dropdowns


When I removed this module everything started to work again.

Can someone please help me with this module.

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