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Add Product Image in PDF Invoice (

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on this thread http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/110162-solved-add-image-to-pdf-invoice/


there is this code:


if ($productQuantity)


$before = $this->GetY();

$this->MultiCell($w[++$i], 5, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $product['product_name']), 'B');

$lineSize = $this->GetY() - $before;

$this->SetXY($this->GetX() + $w[0] + ($delivery ? 15 : 0), $this->GetY() - $lineSize);

$this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, ($product['product_reference'] ? $product['product_reference'] : ''), 'B');


if (!$delivery)

$this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '').self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($unit_price, self::$currency, true, false)), 'B', 0, 'R');

$this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, $productQuantity, 'B', 0, 'C');

if (!$delivery)

$this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '').self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($final_price, self::$currency, true, false)), 'B', 0, 'R');


//Modif : Ajout photo sur pdf

$cover = Product::getCover((int)($product['product_id']));

if(is_array($cover)) $product = array_merge($cover, $product);

$limage = _PS_IMG_DIR_.'p/'.(int)($product['product_id']).'-'.(int)($product['id_image']).'-medium.jpg';

if (file_exists($limage)){


} else{







The problem is that the product images are not on p/ directory.

For example product 256 is on p/2/5/6/256.jpg

Produtct 3476 is on p/3/4/7/6/3476.jpg


is it possible to change that code above to use these images?

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