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how to make product titles smaller?

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Hi movilexpress,


Welcome to the PrestaShop Forum!


All modifications to fonts, font sizes, colors, spacing, etc., are set in the CSS stylesheet of the theme you are using.


If you are using the default theme, the location of the stylesheet is: [PrestaShop root directory]/themes/default/css/style.css


If you are comfortable with HTML but are unfamiliar with CSS stylesheets, they are relatively easy to figure out how to make work:




However, if software code is all ancient Greek to you, you will have to find someone who is familiar with CSS to make the changes needed.


PrestaShop offers theme customization as a service.  Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like more information at contact [at] prestashop.com. :)

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Hi movilexpress,

The file global.css is quite big and therefore many times you will struggle finding the correct tags to style.

For this reason - if you use Firefox - install Firebug at


There is a feature which lets you point anywhere on the page and defines where the particular element is placed inside the HTML document and also where its respective styling declaration exists in the global.css file.

This will save you lots of time and you can precisely style the elements you wish.

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