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Color Group Texture Images in BackOffice

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Is there a way to show the texture images in the backoffice when looking at the group list instead of the little color boxes....I have images in there and they show up if I go into each color's detail, but it doesn't help much when looking at the whole list as they all show up as little white boxes....


Any help would be greatly appreciated....

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I solved this myself today....I'll explain but keep in mind, you should backup any of these files before you change anything. This code modifies the AdminAttributesGroups.php file in your admin/tabs/ directory.


this is a hard code fix for my particular installation...yours may vary.


starting at line 140 in admin/tabs/AdminAttributesGroups.php

  		 '.($tr['is_color_group'] ? '<div style="float: left; width: 50px; height: 50px; border: 1px solid #996633; background-color: '.$attribute['color'].'; background-image: url(../img/co/'.$attribute['id_attribute'].'.jpg); margin-right: 4px;"></div>' : '')


If you have a texture loaded, it will show....If not, the color will show. Just resize the width/height in the DIV tag. NOTE: It will not resize the texture image, so you'll basically see a crop of the texture you uploaded, starting from the upper left of the original sized texture image, at the size you specified in the DIV. Make sure the path after the background-image tag points to your particular image directory (imgs/co).

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