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Copy product catalog to new shop?

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Posted this awhile ago, couldn't really get it resolved. I have a working shop that is great (on Prestashop), www.spoonysglasspipes.com. I have a wholesale site as well that I am working on, and I want to copy the entire catalog into the new wholesale site (then just change the prices in the admin area). I tried copying the sql tables through mysql and the product categories copied over, but not the products at all. Any help?

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Is your wholesale site already setup? If not, you could download a backup of your PrestaShop database, then import that backup into your new account. Once imported, simply run an installation of PrestaShop and use the populated database connection details during install.

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It is installed, but I wouldn't be against reinstalling it if I could save all the trouble. When you say into a new account do you mean just duplicate my database through mysql or through prestashop itself, or just use a different database (the backup) when installing and choosing database path. Sorry if that made no sense.

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I'll try to clarify. Create a new database for prestashop to use on your wholesale site. Make a database backup of your current prestashop(spoonysglasspipes.com). Next, import that database backup into your new wholesale site database you created. Once imported, upload a new PrestaShop installation into your hosting account, and then install using your newly created database connection settings.

Hopefully that makes sense? I may be able to do this for you, if you'd like.

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Thanks, I'll try that with the reinstall if I can't get it to work without doing that. On that note, could I just drop all tables from the wholesale site's current database and load the ones from the retail site into that, or do I still need to do a reinstall for it to be read and installed correctly?

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It worked great, but now I can't log into the admin area. All I did was copy the retail site's SQL into the wholesale site's SQL, and all the products and everything else (cms, settings, etc.) copied over. But I can't log in... I get:

There is 1 error

1. employee does not exist, or bad password


But its the same password and login as the retail admin, which works fine.. any help?

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I searched and found this thread: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/12753/installation_configuration___upgrade/install_problem

But when I follow it, nothing changes. I checked out the employee sql fromthe retail original site and there are no passwords shown, as they say there are in the thread. I got the cookie key from the settings file in the new wholesale site, but do I put it for both employees? I tried just me for now and it didn't work, with or without the password as part of the cookie string.

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I am using prestashop v., I would like to migrate to another hosting. I was backup my database and imported in my new created database on new hosting. after that I run fresh installation and use database which I imported. I can´t go through step 3. When I press verify "Database is connected." but when I press next "A Prestashop database already exists, please delete it or change the prefix." could anybody help?. I previously try to copy all files through ftp from one to another hosting and update setting.inc.php file. Everything is ok except two things, in FO there is not pictures and when I run regenerate thumbnails it write error "zero sized reply". PS In BO pictures are visible. How I can run my webshop on new hosting? Thank you

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