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DB export from Prestashop 1.2 to Presta 1.4 ?

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Hi ,



I have one store installed Presta



Now I have decided to upgrade to 1.4.4



but I could not .


and & so ı have decided to install not upgrade.



I have created a new directory in my hosting account and installed Preesta 1.4.


My problem is how can I move customer list on PhpMyAdmin ( with account details like passwords, adress, order history etc.) to my newly installed presta store wihic is version 1.4.



another information; in my former presta store database prefix is Ps_

but new store DB Preffix is Ps1_ .



Could you help me with this?



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i am not sure, if there is any inbuilt functionality in PS for DB upgrade. But with phpmyadmin you can do it easily - you need need to export the needed table with fields from your older version PS DB and import to new version PS DB from phpmyadmin.


make sure before importing to new PS DB - do replace of all Ps_ to Ps1_.


Quite easy if have a bit knowledge of phpmyadmin, unless you do any customizations in your old PS version :)




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thanks for your answers. :rolleyes:




I have tried to many times with phpmyadmin export import. I should confess that ı tried it without changing prefix.


but the sql size is 11 mb and


phpmyadmin is not allowing it to import it.

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thank you very.much.


I have managed to import whole customer and order tables from presta 1.2 to presta 1,4,4 as follow;


I have used csv type export import method.


I have exported customer and order related tables one by one from Presta 1.2 as csv file.


then I have opened them with excel to edit as Presta 1.4 tables structure. then saved as csv file again.


finally, ı have imported the csv files in to related tables in presta 1.4.4. and it worked :)))


thanks to all..

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