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Speed up PS - Use Google libraries

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Prestashop ships with libraries like jQuery.


Can you add an option so that admin can decide to use Google's libraries instead (via AJAX libraries API http://code.google.com/apis/libraries/)? There are at least 2 benefits:

1) Many large sites use Google's libraries so there's a very high probability that these are already cached on the user's computer.

2) Even if the libraries aren't already cached, it could speed things up as a) The libraries are coming from a different domain, so for browsers that limit parallel threads from 1 domain this can help, b ) Google has a very massive CDN and serving anything through that implicitly speeds things up


If I understand corectly, Google has following libraries available:

  • Dojo
  • Ext Core
  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI
  • MooTools
  • Prototype
  • script.aculo.us
  • SWFObject
  • WebFont Loader

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