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Right column and footer missing in site

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I'm using ps for an e-commerce site located in http://cohonasa.com/tienda. This site has been working fine but since a few hours ago some elements are missing in the website. Both right column and footer are missing.


The site is in production. I reviewed the Modules > Positions setup, and actually there are modules that should be showed on the right column.


I have no new modules, neither I have done any significant change... except updating some meta-keywords in the products.


I have deleted the tools/smarty/cache folder, and regenerated the .htaccess file. I also made contact with the support department of my hosting provider but they told me that their servers are ok. I also changed the theme I was using for the default one. All unsuccessfully.


I hope someone can help me. Sorry for my english. Thanks in advance.



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I disabled every single active module, and I found that the problem was caused by the blockrss module. For some reason the rss feed of an external site was malformed and it lead to a fatal error of the blockrss module, The blockrss module fails fatally, then the right column colapses too. The error_log file corroborates it:


[14-Sep-2011 12:13:36] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught <table border="1" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="3" bgcolor="#ff9999"> <b>XML_Feed_Parser_Exception</b>: Invalid input: this is not valid XML in <b>/home/cohonas1/public_html/tienda/modules/blockrss/blockrss.php</b> on line <b>145</b></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3" bgcolor="#aaaaaa" align="center"><b>Exception trace</b></td></tr>
<tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc" width="20"><b>#</b></td><td align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>Function</b></td><td align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>Location</b></td></tr>
<tr><td align="center">0</td><td>XML_Feed_Parser->__construct('<?xml version="1…')</td><td>/home/cohonas1/public_html/tienda/modules/blockrss/blockrss.php:145</td></tr>
<tr><td align="center">1</td><td>Blockrss->hookLeftColumn(Array)</td><td>/home/cohonas1/public_html/tienda/modules/blockrss/blockrss.php:158</td></tr>
<tr><td align="center">2</td><td>Blockrss->hookRightColumn(Array)</td><td>/home/cohonas1/public_html/tienda/classes/Module.php:716</td></tr>
<tr><td align="cente in /home/cohonas1/public_html/tienda/tools/pear_xml_parser/Parser.php on line 101


However, I still have a question: is any wrong with the PHP service provided by my hosting provider, or should I report a new bug in prestashop?

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Hi Manuel,

I'm not sure if you've seen it on our bug tracker yet, but we went ahead and took care of it for you. The feed for your website does still have some issues, but we fixed everything related to PrestaShop that was causing you issues, including the fact that an issue with your feed completely broke your front office. For more information, you can check out the report from our developers here: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFI-3416


Have a great day,


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