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Express Checkout for online products

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Hi guys,

I am currently working on an online music store. (digital mp3 downloads only)


In order to implement an easy checkout process I am wondering what modules are available to make the checkout real easy for the customer?


I would like to achieve those features:

1) "Express Paypal Button" on the checkout page.

2) Get rid of all the "Adress / Telephone" number mandetory fields in the standard checkout. All I want to know is the email adress and a password.

3) Get rid of the "Shipping-Adress confirmation" dialouge

4) Get rid of the "Carrier" dialoge


Are there any modules that would make this easy?


How did you guys implement your checkout-process for digital goods? Can you show me some examples of your work?


I am really looking forward to hear about your solutions :-)


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I think my Agile Paypal is a right selection to implement your requirements.

You can have a look at my web site which has link at my signature of the post.

I am selling PrestaShop modules and you can see how my module works to make it easy for customer to checkout without input any address, and shipping and payment method.


You can also find the module information at the same site.

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