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Restricting pickup in store

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I'm setting up a store in Canada. I set up pick up in store in carrier, free shipping.


The problem is that 'pick up in store' is available to every customer no matter where they live.


Tried creating counties and when trying to add zip code it does not accept Canadian postal codes.


If a customer lives in another provinces he can choose free shipping.


This is a major problem.


Any ideas ?


Prestashop is free and that's good, but not easy to customize.

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  • 9 months later...

Did you figure this out?

I have this setup in Australia using different states.

Do you have the same in canada?


If so, you can set up different zones for each state, and then make a carrier that belongs only to the one that you wish to allow pickups from.


Here is how I did it for australia:




1. Go to shipping tab in Back office.

Under the county tab, inactivate all other countries except Australia. Easy to do if filter by enabled “yes” then just click the green tick to toggle it inactive.

Click on australia, and make sure the Contain States field is active.

Make sure Australia is your default country.

2. Go to the zones tab.

Create 8 new zones for each state and territory. Eg NSW Zone, VIC Zone. Exact names are not important, but I’ve used the word zone to make it clear that these are just zones.

3. Go to States tab.

Filter australian states by typing oceania in the zone. this is what my version of Prestashop came with, yours may be different. On each of the states, change the Zone, to the corresponding zone you setup in the previous section. IE Victoria will have VIC Zone attached to it.

4. Go to carrier tab.

Make a new carrier (NB I tried to modify the existing carrier and it wouldnt work, so better start with a fresh one), and include all your state zones in it.

5. Go to Weight Ranges tab.

Set up the weight ranges that apply to your carrier eg 0-3kg; 3-5kg etc…

Asign each weight range to the carrier.

6. Finally, go up to the main shipping tab. It will bring up the shipping preferences including fees by carrier, geographical zone and ranges.

Select your carrier and you should be presented with all your states that you have active, and the weight ranges you have setup.

If there is no postage to pay - ie with pickups, you need to press save in the shipping tab with that carrier selected even thought there is only one field with $0 showing.

Australia should be one of the zones belonging to the states eg. TAS zone.



Hope this helps

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