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how to compress pictures / thumbnails to speed up page load

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folks, is there a safe way to compress my product pics/thumbnails?


reason is that I noticed now with roughly >500 products that sometimes my access / page load times to the shop are low, already contacted the hosting company about this but also want to see whether I can increase the load time from my side. so I see the settings for picture in the BO but does reducing the px size actually / also reduced the file size in kilobyte and/or the size in pixels? I mean I like the dimension of my pics, I just want them to be compressed and smaller in file size. Is that possible?


also, it should be safe. by safe I mean that I once fiddled with the picture size setting, hit re-generate thumbnails, then got a server time out and - wow - all pics were gone. what a fun :angry: . luckily I only had about 80 articles back then in the shop. but now I do not want to go through this again. if you understand :-)




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