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I have Prestashop version installed on www.TurboSupplyCenter.com with a very serious issue.


I have only enabled taxes for the state of Florida and we only accept orders for USA only.


This should be relatively simple. But when a voucher is added to the cart for $100 off any item in the BorgWarner Category. (COUPON CODE "SAVE100") AND the customer has an address in Florida it will add the tax properly but it will reduce the amount of the voucher by the 7% tax. BIG ISSUE..


I had this same issue with earlier versions but could not get help.. Now I wonder..



It is like there is a double negative in the reduction formula in the cart. Basic algebra mistake maybe??




If I enable taxes for other states it happens again, but only reduces by that states, state tax amount. So if it is 6% tax for Tennesee for example the total voucher would not be 100$ it would be: $94.


Thanks for your assistance!!!

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Ok.. don't I feel silly, figured out where the source tab was on that link.. thanks for that, now I know how to get other solutions from there. I have been learning JavaScript and fixing most of my little hiccups myself. This one I replaced the two class files and the Admin/tabs file: AdminDiscounts.php and Discount.php, but when I replaced the Cart.php it gave me a fatal error, based on the address call function. Not sure why?


Any ideas? NOT SOLVED>> :)

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having the same problem - intermittently?! - and I don't know what to do with the code files without some kind of walk through - our "IT" helper also disappeared...


Have a very patient customer today who had to email us his order, as his discount also took off the tax instead of applying pre-tax. He also had problems seeing the voucher, even after I disabled the one he was using and set up a brand new one, using a different behaviour that seems to have worked on the weekend! - "Behaviour not exhausted" field, changed to "generate negative invoice".


We have also run into this from time to time before, especially with specific amount discounts. Don't know why some vouchers seem to work and others don't. Possible none of them are working properly but neither we or the customer have caught the tax thing on smaller order amounts. Our national tax collector surely will though.

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I've got a client that is having a terrible time with the vouchers. It is doing exactly like pretty much everyone else has described. If we have a $35 voucher when it is entered in the cart it is reducing to $33.10. If I disable taxes to the store everything works perfectly.


I went through the bug fix above (twice) but it only made it worse. Not only did it not fix the problem now I can't change any of the vouchers. When I try to make changes I get the following error message:


error2.pngAn error occurred while updating object. discount


and none of my changes are saved.


We are using PS 1.4.3. Has anyone got the above bug fix to actually work? I haven't had any luck at all.



Marty Shue

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  • 10 months later...

Hello, I would like to ask if this problem has been solved on PS Because I have a similar problem, I have installed a prestashop for USA, and I have tested buying a product using Florida taxes, using 7.5% for taxes, the I have created a product with a value of $9.99. after that I created a voucher with a discount of $3. then in the front office I add the product to the cart, and the shows the taxes been applied to the voucher, so the final voucher discount is -$2.79 ($3 * 7.5%).


My question is. those files that Mike have recommended works with PS


Sorry for my English, Hope you understand me.

Edited by luchiniii (see edit history)
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