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Use DOT instead of COMA to separate decimals in price

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is it possible to set PS 1.4.5 to use the dot ( . ) as decimals separator rather than the coma ( , ) ?


Our US customers are confused because of the European way of writing figures, they think that € 30,50 means an item costs 30.500


Your help would be greatly appreciated!


Best regards,



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is it possible to set PS 1.4.5 to use the dot ( . ) as decimals separator rather than the coma ( , ) ?


Our US customers are confused because of the European way of writing figures, they think that € 30,50 means an item costs 30.500


Your help would be greatly appreciated!


Best regards,




You can configure this from the back-office, in tab Payment>>Currency, Select the currency you want to change an dyou will have the field "Format"

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