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[Solved] Disable "Welcome to Prestashop" in BO ?

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this is really just a minor issue but that keeps annoying me every time I log into the BO. I am using 1.4.5 and the "don't show again" checkmark is just not working.


So every time I log in to work on my shop or check something, I have this huge video welcome box taking up half of my screen.


So, is there another way to disable this screen?


Your help would do much good to my nerves and is much appreciated! :-)





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FInd /renamed admin dir/tabs/AdminHome.php, around line 182 where it reads

if (!isset($cookie->show_screencast))

Open a comment (/*) at the beginning of the line so it now reads

/*if (!isset($cookie->show_screencast))

Then repeat the same thing with a comment close (*/) on line 210 where it reads

<div class="clear"></div><br />';

so it now reads

<div class="clear"></div><br />';*/

Line numbers may be different slightly in your installation.

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