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[Solved] Invoice problem - pls help

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Hi everybody.


I'm quite new with Presta and I have a little but important problem with invoices. The auto-generated invoice from presta doesn't contain my information (adress, bank account etc.) Can anyone give me an advice where I have to put any code or make some changes? I know I have to change something in pdf.php but this is my end. I don't know what changes or code I have to fill in.


Sorry for bad english.


Thanks for all advices.





I'm using Presta (I did many changes in modules, so It is difficult for me to upgrade to latest Presta)


EDIT: Mission Complete. Changes are written below this comment. These changes aren't in pdf.php yet, so you have to edit the php.


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  • 4 months later...

pepperoni: Hi. I rewrite some lines of code in pdf.php after few days of solving this problem. I put these code somewhere on line 403 (approximately)



$pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Supplier'), 0, 'L');$pdf->Ln(5);

$pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Name'), 0, 'L');$pdf->Ln(5);

$pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Address'), 0, 'L');$pdf->Ln(5);

$pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Email:'), 0, 'L');$pdf->Ln(5);

$pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Tel:'), 0, 'L');$pdf->Ln(5);

$pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('VAT: '), 0, 'L');$pdf->Ln(5);

$pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('website'), 0, 'L');$pdf->Ln(5);


I have some more lines, like the dates fill in automatically etc. If you want to change the "location of the text on the paper", you can do it by $pdf->SetXY(x,y);


I don't know if it is a good solution but it works for me fine and I am satisfied.



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