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[Solved] Chrome and downloads

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I have downloads in the shop which work fine in explorer and firefox with an open or save option in the dialogue box that opens. In chrome, however, it goes strait to save in 'my documents'. After it has saved it does then ask if you want to open with acrobat. When I first started testing it did not do this, just happened this last two days.Any Ideas?





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This is a peculiarity of chrome. Explorer and Firefox give you a choice to open or save, if I was testing I would just open. Chrome automatically saves. In options I originally had the box asking me, each time, where to save unchecked so chrome was just saving it to my downloads folder. What was fooling me was that having done that a little graphic opens in the bottom left hand corner of the browser allowing you to open the download.


I don't mention the shop as it will not be open till next week at the earliest. Still have to list more items and decide which paypal account to use. When open it will be www.fern-jewellery.co.uk When open I will link to it, every little helps!




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