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[Help] semua produk menghilang dari list...?


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para sesepuh sekalian ane punya sedikit masalah ni... mohon bantuannya.....


semua produk list ane menghilang.... muncul cuman beberapa detik langsung ilang lg.....


pas ane cek pake

'display_errors', 'on'


ada scritp yg error tp yg aneh nya semua product muncul meskipun warnanya agak memudar kek kena disable gitu....


error nya


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/sebo/public_html/balisilverjewellry.com/prestashop/classes/CompareProduct.php on line 36


ini full script CompareProduct.php


class CompareProduct extends ObjectModel
public  $id;
public   $id_product;
public   $id_guest;
public   $id_customer;
public   $date_add;
public   $date_upd;
protected  $fieldRequired = array(
protected  $fieldsValidate = array(
 'id_product' => 'isUnsignedInt',
 'id_guest' => 'isUnsignedInt',
 'id_customer' => 'isUnsignedInt'
protected $table = 'compare_product';
protected $identifier = 'id_compare_product';
 * Get all compare products of the guest
 * @param int $id_guest
 * @return array

public static function getGuestCompareProducts($id_guest)
 $results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
 SELECT DISTINCT `id_product`
 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'compare_product`
 WHERE `id_guest` = '.(int)($id_guest));
 $compareProducts = null;
 foreach($results as $result)
  $compareProducts[] = $result['id_product'];
 return $compareProducts;
 * Add a compare product for the guest
 * @param int $id_guest, int $id_product
 * @return boolean
public static function addGuestCompareProduct($id_guest, $id_product)
 return Db::getInstance()->Execute('
  INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'compare_product` (`id_product`, `id_guest`, `date_add`, `date_upd`)
  VALUES ('.(int)($id_product).', '.(int)($id_guest).', NOW(), NOW())
 * Remove a compare product for the guest
 * @param int $id_guest, int $id_product
 * @return boolean
public static function removeGuestCompareProduct($id_guest, $id_product)
 return Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'compare_product` WHERE `id_guest` = '.(int)($id_guest).' AND `id_product` = '.(int)($id_product));
 * Get the number of compare products of the guest
 * @param int $id_guest
 * @return int
public static function getGuestNumberProducts($id_guest)
 return (int)(Db::getInstance()->getValue('
  SELECT count(`id_compare_product`)
  FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'compare_product`
  WHERE `id_guest` = '.(int)($id_guest)));;
 * Get all comapare products of the customer
 * @param int $id_customer
 * @return array
public static function getCustomerCompareProducts($id_customer)
 $results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
 SELECT DISTINCT `id_product`
 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'compare_product`
 WHERE `id_customer` = '.(int)($id_customer));
 $compareProducts = null;
 foreach($results as $result)
  $compareProducts[] = $result['id_product'];
 return $compareProducts;
 * Add a compare product for the customer
 * @param int $id_customer, int $id_product
 * @return boolean
public static function addCustomerCompareProduct($id_customer, $id_product)
  return Db::getInstance()->Execute('INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'compare_product` (`id_product`, `id_customer`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('.(int)($id_product).', '.(int)($id_customer).', NOW(), NOW())');
 * Remove a compare product for the customer
 * @param int $id_customer, int $id_product
 * @return boolean
public static function removeCustomerCompareProduct($id_customer, $id_product)
 return Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'compare_product` WHERE `id_customer` = '.(int)($id_customer).' AND `id_product` = '.(int)($id_product));
 * Get the number of compare products of the customer
 * @param int $id_customer
 * @return int
public static function getCustomerNumberProducts($id_customer)
 return (int)(Db::getInstance()->getValue('
  SELECT count(`id_compare_product`)
  FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'compare_product`
  WHERE `id_customer` = '.(int)($id_customer)));
 * Clean entries which are older than the period
 * @param string $period
 * @return void
public static function cleanCompareProducts($period = 'week')
 if ($period === 'week')
  $interval = '1 WEEK';
 elseif ($period === 'month')
  $interval = '1 MONTH';
 elseif ($period === 'year')
  $interval = '1 YEAR';
 if ($interval != null)
  DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'compare_product`
  WHERE date_upd < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.pSQL($interval).')');



Ini TKP nya


ane pake ps 1440 sm 1441 hasil nya sama.....

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