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footer configuration

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Hi, I am just getting started with my first Prestashop and am very impressed!


My question — how do you configure the footer? I can set the CMS links but there are several links that I do not want and aren't part of the CMS block such as "store locator" "contact us"...etc. I cannot figure out how to get rid of these?


Also, how do you add a simple Copyright info to the footer area?


Thank you for your help!



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Welcome to Prestashop! I think the CMS links is a new thing with 1.4, so I am just adjusting to it myself.


To really adjust all of these links as you mention, you need to edit this file:


{$base_dir}themes/[your theme dir]/modules/blockcms/blockcms.tpl


At the bottom of the file you will see the Prestashop reference, and you could keep it and / or place your copyright here:

<div class="clear"></div>
<p>© 2011 yoursite </p>
<!-- /MODULE Block footer -->

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