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Which file holds data for all pages

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I am looking to put a banner up that will appear on all pages of the website.

I need to know which file it is that i can modify by adding in some html.

Basically i want to add a Christmas countdown banner that appear on all pages.


Anyone know?


Cheers in advance



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If your installation matches its requirements, download this module, install and and go to its configuration page. Depending on where exactly you want banner to appear select "Header of pages" or "Top of pages" from Block position drop-down, enter the required HTML in Block body and save. Let me know if you need further help in its use.


Disclosure: The module is built by me.


If you would rather modify the core files manually, post here again and I will talk you through.

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Many thanks for that. I downloaded your module and added my xmas countdown banner to the header on all pages 1st time without any issue.


Is it possible to hook it to below the main shop logo (my QTM logo), but just above the homepage logo? (the red car image).

My sites homepage is www.qtmdirect2u.co.uk for you to have a quick look.

Don't know what that area is called if it does exist or is possible?


Great module though, i have a few ideas i can use it for at a later date.

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First remove the existing block using Back Office > Modules > Positions > Show: Multiblock Arbitrary Text or HTML > Header


Then insert the following for the "Block body" and select "Top of pages" from the "Block position". It may need a little adjustment to pixel values.


<div style="height:265px;">
 <a href="http://ult-tex.net/counts/index.cgi"><img width="468" height="60" border="0" style="display:block;position:relative;top:210px;left:-265px;" src="http://ult-tex.net/counts/christmas/bans/01.jpg" alt="Christmas countdown banner"></a>


If the location it now appears was not where you wanted it, please post a screenshot of where you want it exactly.

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I was wondering if you could potentially help me with a countdown timer issue as well. Check out my site at cheaphoser.ca -- I am having issues with this module I paid for through Prestashop: find it here: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/pricing-promotion/2221-countdown-specials.html.


The developer is not contacting me back and I need help!


The timer is adding an extra hour to the time on the screen but is working correctly -- very strange. Also, the featured items are displaying a $0.00 - when it should be filled by the amount. I can see the code lines and I tried to change it in the module but the module is built with TPL and this is not my forte. Any suggestions would be very, very helpful.

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Check out my site at cheaphoser.ca

Currently there is not much displayed, mostly blank.

I am having issues with this module I paid for through Prestashop: find it here: http://addons.presta...-specials.html.

The developer is not contacting me back and I need help!

First off,contact Prestashop directly and express your grievance regarding non-responsive developer. I hear they are very good concerning the items sold through their shop and they will prompt the developer to reply to you to solve your problem.

The timer is adding an extra hour to the time on the screen but is working correctly -- very strange.

This may be due to the timezone set in your server. What sort of hosting you have? If you have shell access type


in a console to get the server time and compare them to your local clock. If they differ, set your server's clock.

date --help

will give you help on how to set the date/time. It may also be the case that the module is using UTC, find out if so by

date -u

from he console again.

Also, the featured items are displaying a $0.00 - when it should be filled by the amount.

This is likely to be unrelated to the previous issue, and as I said there is not much to see in the address you posted. Please make a new post with a relevant post title when you have the site functioning reasonably.

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