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How do you increase the file size for downloadable products?

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Using 1.4.3

I wan't to sell pdf files generally around 50mb or so.

I have put a php.ini file in the store root set to 1ooM

changed the time from 30 and 60 to 60 and 90 in the php ini file


My host doesn't use htaccess everytime i write to the file it gets changed with notes saying use a phpini file instead.


I have the php.ini file in mydomain.com/store directory.


Can anyone shed some light or give some direction on how to change the file size so I can do this?




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I use bluehost and I was able to change it with the php.ini file in drupal on the same server.

So this is a issue of where the settings are that restrict presta shop not an issue with my host.


I don't want to do a workaround, I want to fix it.

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Ok then here's my dillema.

Next to my browse for file box it says.

"Your server's maximum upload file size is: 10M"


I find that to mean my php.ini file that prestashop is trying to read from is not in the right place then.


Is that right?


As of right now it's in mydomain/store

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  • 9 months later...

I wasn't originally aware that php.ini should actually be in two locations. I say "should" because it may, or may not be in those two locations. If it is not in the two following locations, you'll need to place a copy of it where it is missing.


It should be in the root domain of your store and it should also be in your admin folder. If you are only changing the php.ini file that resides in your root domain, you may not be making all the changes you need to make. You need to make changes to both files.


The php.ini file is also supposed to reside in the install folder, but since that gets deleted after installing PrestaShop, it's not worth talking about.


Here's a great tutorial on how to modify your php.ini file(s): http://www.prestatraining.com/4eix


Hope that helps.

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  • 4 years later...

My issue is that after changing the upload size from 10MB to 300MB which now works i still get some customers complaining that after 3 minutes all of their 10 downloads it used up and they get the warning you have reached the download max limit. I have this set to 10 downloads. Some customers complain it's just about to finish the download and it quits right before. 99% of my customers have no issues but this 1% is getting to be annoying because it's not my server host as they are a big Company so it has to be the Prestashop software. I offer customer info on timeout issues and lag so they can improve there chances of succeeding.


Someone has to have this issue and i can't find any topics about this issue.


By the way i have a tool here i had made to reset the max download limit. Please donate as i pad a lot for these tools.


Edited by Customer Service (see edit history)
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