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"There are no carriers available that deliver to this address."

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Please help me! I just tried to get my shop to give my customers the option of my companys name as carrier, instead of "my carrier". Now it says i dont deliver anywhere in my country. Ive tried to set a different carrier, put in norway as a country, tried the zone alternatives and the price and weigth alternatives. Nothing works! Its probably something i deleted that i shouldnt have, but i have no idea what and im getting pretty desperate! Help!!!

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You don't say what version you have installed. Make sure


- relevant zones for delivery for the carrier "your company name" is selected (Back Office > Shipping > Carriers > your company name).

- you have either price or weight ranges set for carrier "your company name" (Back Office > Shipping > Price Ranges or Back Office > Shipping > Weight Ranges)

- you have prices set and saved in "Fees by carrier, geographical zone, and ranges > Fees > your company name"

- if you have any groups other than default, the carrier has that group selected in its settings


If not resolved, delete the carrier and start from scratch, following the steps above. If still not resolved, problem may be due to any changes you may have made to zones/countries. If so, post again with more info.

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  • 1 month later...



I'm having the same issue, yet the instructions above aren't working.

The only time I get the carrier to appear is when I make it free shipping.


Everything is zone 1. Zone set in Country US, and all 50 states.

I have it dependent on weight. Setting the weight range to be 0.01 lb to 70.00 lbs.


Carrier is set to only Zone 1.


I've delete carriers, and re-added all night, no go.


I have USPS installed but disabled, trying to see if that would trigger it.




I'm desperate!


Please help!

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Hi there


I have got the same problem. As soon as a customer enters their details in the check out there is no carrier available. I am using PS Ver


My store only services Australia and I have set my zones to each of the 8 states. I am offering free shipping Australia wide via price parameters set at $0 - $100,000. I have 1 carrier; which is my store.


I have tried resetting everything several times, including deleting everything and setting 1 zone (AU), but nothing seems to work. I am now at a complete loss as to what I have done wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi there


I have got the same problem. As soon as a customer enters their details in the check out there is no carrier available. I am using PS Ver


My store only services Australia and I have set my zones to each of the 8 states. I am offering free shipping Australia wide via price parameters set at $0 - $100,000. I have 1 carrier; which is my store.


I have tried resetting everything several times, including deleting everything and setting 1 zone (AU), but nothing seems to work. I am now at a complete loss as to what I have done wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Your shipping looks straight forward and it seems that you have everything set up correctly. Given you have decided to use states (you don't need to) here's a bit of a check list that may help.

  • Zones - 9 zones, 1 for Australia plus one for each state.
  • Country - Only Australia enabled with it's zone set to Australia (remember to disable zip code if you are not using it). Contains states to yes.
  • Price Ranges - Looks OK
  • States - Eight new states assigned to correct zones.
  • Carriers - Assign the carrier to each of the 8-states.
  • Fees by Carrier - set the price for price range to $0.00 for each zone.


However, your particular set up could be even simpler. Given you have free shipping everywhere you only need to have one zone. You could call this Australia. Then disable all countries except Australia and assign it to the Australia zone.

You could still have the country with 'contains states' enabled but these would only be used for address purposes and not impact on your shipping. Price ranges as before. Your Carrier would just be assigned to the Australia zone and you would only have one field in the Fees by Carrier rather than eight.

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Cheers Dave


I have already tried both of your suggestions and still no luck. I have 9 zones (1 for each state and 1 for Australia). The carrier is assigned to all 9 zones. All the other parameters remain constant. ie fees set to $0.00 for all zones, handling set to $0.00, free shipping starts at $1.


One question. You say to disable the zip code if I am not using it. Does the zip code setting in "countries" affect whether a carrier is assigned to a delivery? Anyhoo, I will disable that function and see what happens. As one of the error messages I got in the early hours of this morning seemed to be a zone-address mismatch. ie no zone assigned to address.


Cheers and thanks for your help.

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In your country screen shot you still have 'Need zip code' enabled. Try it with this disabled. If you don't have the zip code system set up and this is enabled the shipping module can't establish the address as being correct and throws the error.


I have pretty much the same set up on one of my sites except It's for Thailand. However, it is weight based, but otherwise is set up the same. The only other thing that is different is that even though I have a zone for the country, I have it disabled and therefore not selected in the carrier as it doesn't show.



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Tried it with the zip code disabled already. No joy.


I have noticed that every time I make a change to the Carrier settings and then save them the ID increases by 1. Not to sure if this is supposed to happen or not. Logically I would say not as I am not actually adding anything just modifying the existing.

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I hate to admit it but I think I'm stumped. I just can't think of anything that is stopping this from working.

A long shot but try setting the 'Free shipping starts at' to 0 to disable it. It's possible there's a conflict there.


Otherwise, if you want to PM me your BO access & URL I'll have a look through for you to see if anything stands out that I'm missing. A fresh pair of eyes and all that.

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Tried the free shipping at 0 before. did not work.


I am about to head home now. So I will get back to this tomorrow.


How do I PM you by the way. I am new to these forum thingies. I will have to run giving you access by the boss first. But thanks for all your help mate. have a good one.

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No problems,


The PM system is accesses at th top of the forum. Click the little down icon next to your name and select the messenger.


For BO access you can manually add an employee, give username and password and select admin profile. Afterwards, you can simply delete that employee to remove access. This way you don't release your own log-in details.



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Just one more thing. I noticed you are using V1.4.1.0 I seem to remember an increased number of shipping related problems around the time that was released, so there could possibly be a bug in there somewhere.


Perhaps it would be a good idea to upgrade to the most recent version. It may well eliminate the issues you are having now. I can't see any reason why your shipping shouldn't work.

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I need to put the opening hour, on the right on the home page

Is it possible to do so..

Kindly need your guidance..



Thanks in advance





You will get a much better response if you start a new topic for this. You have posted in a thread regarding Shipping module support.

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Shipping... OMG!!!!!!


I have two groups, retail and wholesale... currently, I am concerned about retail. I have a situ where my client wants to ship free in Ontario, Canada over 50$. Otherwise, its a percentage of the cost of the product (another Prestashop downfall) across Canada and US.


I have tried creating a zone JUST for Ontario, and adding two carriers to it... Regular Shipping (percentage) and Free Shipping... To the Reg Shipping, I have added a range of price of 0-50$, and for the Free Shipping, I have added 50-100000$. I will then create a zone for the rest of Can/US that will just use reg shipping channels.


However, no matter how I change the carriers (Reg, Free), they just wont show up! I keep getting that dreaded "There are no carriers available that deliver to this address."The only time shipping with show is if I set it to 'Is Free', then Presta is happy, and applies it to EVERYTHING. I need some guidance here please, as this is really keeping me from opening this shop for the client. :wacko:


Thanks! :)

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What you are trying to achieve should be pretty straight forward.


Could you please show a screen shot for




states for Canada (if you are using them)

price ranges

Fees by carrier (on shipping tab)


I'll take a look at these and see if I can offer any advice.

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Hi guys,


I'm trying to set up shipping for my website but no joy. I'm using Prestashop


The shipping needs to be for South Africa and should be weight based and costs should be calculated whether delivery is in a Major Centre/City (up to 50km radius) and Regional (outside 50km radius of major centre). Customers should enter their post code/zip code which then calculates the shipping costs.


This website displays what I'm trying to do:


As you can see there is a "Shipping Rates" button under the product Add to Cart button. And when you click on it it asks you to enter you post code and then calculates the shipping right there and then. What module are they using or is it just the default "Shipping Estimation v1.1 by PrestaShop" module? How can I get that same Shipping Rates button?


Any help would be appreciated.



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wow that's a lot of carriers you have there.


Sorry, I'd need to see the Fees by Carrier for each or the Carriers you want to use for Canada and the content of the Country Canada.


It would be easier still if you set up a new employee with admin permissions and PM me the access for your BO I could take a look for you.

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Hi guys,


I'm trying to set up shipping for my website but no joy. I'm using Prestashop


The shipping needs to be for South Africa and should be weight based and costs should be calculated whether delivery is in a Major Centre/City (up to 50km radius) and Regional (outside 50km radius of major centre). Customers should enter their post code/zip code which then calculates the shipping costs.


This website displays what I'm trying to do:


As you can see there is a "Shipping Rates" button under the product Add to Cart button. And when you click on it it asks you to enter you post code and then calculates the shipping right there and then. What module are they using or is it just the default "Shipping Estimation v1.1 by PrestaShop" module? How can I get that same Shipping Rates button?


Any help would be appreciated.






Firstly I have no idea which shipping estimator this site is using, it could be the default one with some customization.


I have posted a couple of times about the shipping set up in SA, have a look at some of my posts for more info.


Unfortunately I have never set up shipping using post codes. Could never get it to work properly. Regarding the 50km Radius, this cannot be accommodated in prestashop shipping module. All shipping is zone based, but you can be creative with the zones to get something like this to work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't even GET a shipping estimate! I installed the FedEx one which won't cooperate with the API, I installed the USPS which comes back with the same error as someone else posted on here. I also have that shipping estimator, and when I go to "shipping" to order, it comes back no available carriers. I'm in the US and I'm only going to be offering products to the US.


How in the world do you get it to work!? I want to do it by weight, not price/items. I've spent all day on this, this is beyond frustrating.

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