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Hi ezakimak,

For your website, you likely don't need to worry about this beyond the default settings. However, to explain it further, if you have a website sample.com, you may be able to access different parts of the site such as www.sample.com, mail.sample.com and login.sample.com. In this situation, www, mail and login are all subdomains for sample.com.


If you don't have any of these, you won't have to worry about it, but I hope I did a decent job explaining this for you.



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Thanks for your answers

I was asked if it is possible to "create " a kind of superstore, and have other ministores "inside", let's say, superstore.com , and the others as subdomains like sports.superstore.com, electronics.superstore.com and so on, each one with its own admin panel and FO, that way the superstore.com would be just an entry point and all products and categories would redirect to the appropriate store(subdomain) and allow to have one common cart ( but showing clearly that products might come from different stores) for the customers no matter where the product is(sports, electronics, etc).






ps. The idea is to allow other potential customer to sell through our store and let us admin their e-commerce.

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Hi Mike,

Thanks for that info, is there an url available where I can see a preview of this next version ?



Hi Hugo, In that case I would stay posted for our upcoming 1.5 update, which will include a brand new multistore feature. It sounds like that will be exactly what you're looking for! -Mike
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I have a different use for subdomains. I need to use them to allow members to promote the shopping cart and make it easier for me to track the sales they are responsible for.


My problem if anyone can help.


I have set a couple of test subdomain names in Admin-Tools-Subdomains but when you enter the subdomain URL what loads is the www.domain.com not the sub.domain.com


Is there something else I have to set to enable the subdomains?



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