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moved shop and redirecting problem


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I've moved my shop from one domain to another (different domain and hosting)


What did I do:

- copy data from old ftp to new

- export old database and import to new.

- in administration, change domain name, base uri, generate .htaccess and robots.txt


But I have a big problem. When a want to access new domain, it always redirects me to old one. I really don't know, what to do with this.

Please help.

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Just for reference.

New versions of prestashop now stores the address on database.

Precisely on: your_prestashop_db > ps_configuration > PS_SHOP_DOMAIN

and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL for ssl


Just change that an it'll work like a charm :). Just don't forget the settings config/settings.inc.php.


If your new domain is for example: mydomain.com/shop you'll need to change the database entries to "mydomain.com" and on settings.inc.php the __PS_BASE_URI__ definition from whatever to "define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/shop/');"


This was driving me nuts also, almost got crazy because of that. I always setup things in my local box, so this "undocumented" (or kinda) change just killed my workflow. It was redirecting to 'localhostwww.something'. Crazy stuff.


They should put a change like this on headlines ihmo.

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