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Error Cart not updating modifications

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I'm using prestashop for the last weeks and in the last days an error appeared. Once you go to your cart, if you modify the quantities of the products you selected, the cart doesn't update and the following error appears... See attached.




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I have an identical problem. It came up after the Presta site was hacked.


My problem is not the +/- error but the login procedure for the guests.

After they have filled in the form this message appears:


Technical error:

Unable to save account



Error thrown: (object XMLHttpRequest)

Text status: Error


Does anyone has a solution for this problem?

It's quite urgent as well as I am losing customers!!


Many thanks



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It's hard to tell what is the exact cause of it, but in short, the page is expecting to get a certain Javascript response from an ajax file, and it is not getting it.


You can make the following change which should return some sort of error that is the cause of the failure.


You will need to find the JS file which makes the ajax call (search in files for "Unable to save account" or the error you have if it's a different one).


In this case it's in themes/xxxx/js/order-opc.js


You will need to comment one line and add another.



type: 'POST',
url: callingFile,
async: false,
cache: false,
dataType : "json",
data: 'ajax=true&'+params+'&token=' + static_token ,
success: function(jsonData)




type: 'POST',
url: callingFile,
async: false,
cache: false,
//dataType : "json",
data: 'ajax=true&'+params+'&token=' + static_token ,
success: function(jsonData)


This should display a JS alert with the error.


Make sure to turn on error reporting in /config/config.inc.php line #29.

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