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[SOLVED] Form of the "Add to cart" button is different when I click on it?

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Hey ;)


I have a little problem with the "Add to cart" button. I know, how to style it in CSS, I just don't know, why form of the button isn't the same, after I click on it?


Where is the problem? Which files should I modify? Is this maybe javascript fault?


In the attachment you can see the picture for easier understanding, what exactly is happening here.





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Mike, it didn't work for me, sorry :(


Anything else, I could try?


My button is actually a picture with a little bit of gradient, not background color.



Hi Housy,

The issue likely lies in your global.css file. Within that file, search for "exclusive disabled button" and change the hex code for that section to the color of the normal button before it is clicked.


Please let me know if that works for you.



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Hey Mike =)


The problem was in global.css but it was actually line 746 (/* exclusive button */). Background-image was set to the default button image, so I had to modify that. I changed the path to the background I want and now it works.


Here is also the code:

input.exclusive, input.exclusive_disabled, a.exclusive, span.exclusive { background-image: url('../img/my-button-background.png'); background-repeat: repeat-x }


Really thanks for the help Mike ;)



Have you cleared your cache and regenerated htaccess and thumbnails yet?



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