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Auto Image Names Rules

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Hi all,


I recently downloaded the Velvet Sky theme from DapurPixel. So far, it's been great, though changing the colour scheme has been less than easy.


The main problem I'm having is with the combo slider that's been included. It automatically adds product entries to the New Products section, and any products I make Featured go in the Featured Products bit.

Just so you can have some context - The iShop (WIP).


You'll see the slider at the bottom - and you will also notice that all the images are 'missing'. Or rather, they can't be found. I checked the locations the images were said to be at, and they weren't there. However, the slider was working perfectly before, but not it's just stopped working.



From what I can see, these slider images are seperate to the actual image. My knowledge of PHP is ok, but I've only just moved from Zen Cart within the past few weeks, and so that knowledge has lost its grounding, in light of this new way of doing things. So, is there a way that I can tell the slider to just use the main image from the product page, and resize it to whatever dimensions it should be on the slider?

To me, having lots of different images for the same product (and in a sense, the same image for the same image, if you see what I mean!)[that isn't a typo].

So, how do I rewrite the code so that it just picks up the main product info image?



Any help would be appreciated!

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