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Category description as anchor tag

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Hi guys,


I am not sure if this is the right place to post about this subject, but it definitively kills my SEO efforts. It's about the category description which appears as anchor text on every PS page where I have the category navigation. This is a huge problem for me as the text is supposed to appear only once throughout the website.

I found this post which suggest that the issue has been fixed for PS v1.4.0.17 [ 10087 ]:




but I'm using PS and I still have the anchor text over the categories links.


My second problem is with the merchant's description - it simply doesn't show on my merchant's page - I've tried to edit and save it a couple of times - still nothing.

I will really appreciate if you help me to solve these.

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P.S. I deleted this line from category-tree-branch.tpl: title="{$node.desc|escape:html:'UTF-8'} and uploaded the file back to the server, but the alt title with the long description is still there?!? Actually is that the way to edit the PS files?


Thanks guys

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