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Attributes handling licenses...

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I have a question regarding the handling of licenses for software.


Our company are building a shop were we want to sell software, not only for home users, but also for SMB:s.


Handling licenses for home users can be done using attributes and groups handling licenses of 1, 2 and 3 years and a number of computers from 1, 2, 3 or 5 computers. For a customer to buy a license they buy only 1 license even if they are having 4 or five computers - 1 product, 1 license... easy.


Now to the difficult part, licenses for companies. In our store we have licenses from 5-9 computers, 10-19, 20-25, 26-50 and 51-100. This is not the actual license, it is the just 1 license where the actual number of computers are not calculated - you only get 1 license to use with 1 computer,but the customer gets a discount buying a license for a large number of clients.


How do I create products for companies to buy 1 license but for 24 computers not having them buying 24 samples of the same product or us adding up to 100 attributes handling the numbers of computers.


Is there a way?




Tom S

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