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Problem with uploading multiple pictures in zip file

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I have PrestaShop v. (stable), and I'm not able to upload multiple images in zip file.

Error msg:


"1 error

An error occurred while unzipping your file."



I've been searching for the answer but I only found one closed topic with no replies.

Can you please help ? Thank you


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I have a problem uploading images as well... not sure how to do it. If I select a zip file in the images tab and click Save Image it complains the file is not in an allowed format.


I've not found a post yet where someone said it works for them or how to fix it for those it doesn't work.


Any help here?



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An error occurred while unzipping your files


This is probably a folder permission issue.


If I select a zip file in the images tab and click Save Image it complains the file is not in an allowed format.


I can replicate this issue with the latest version and can confirm that this is a bug. Please open a bug report and point it to this thread.




AdminProduct around line 950, extract to $subDir -> Tool::ZipExtracts extracts upload.zip to $subDir so now the image files are in $subDir/upload/*. foreach (scandir($subdir))then finds the upload directory and tries to make an image out of it. if ($file[0] == '.') check is not sufficient also must not assume image files are in $subDir (as is the case with zip uploads).

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, i have the same problem.

I cant upload images in the zip file:


Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '/home/cancun/public_html/Catalogo/img/p/2/2/7/227-home.jpg' for writing: No such file or directory in /home/cancun/public_html/Catalogo/images.inc.php on line 336


Line 336 images.inc.php

$flag = imagejpeg($ressource, $filename, (int)Configuration::get('PS_JPEG_QUALITY'));


Y have changed the permisioons to 777 on img folder and all subfolders and set the php safe mode = off


Im reading this topic, but i dont understand how to fix it:




Please Help

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Hello, im having a similar problem, when trying to upload images into product selection, individual product, my site is very picture heavy, with each car having 250+ pictures, and its taking ages uploading each one individually, do you how to upload 10-15 images in one go of each product, in my case car part?


similar what u can do in photobucket, upload 10-15+pic's in one go then just wait for them to upload into your account


advice would b much appreciated



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Hello, just checked bottom of my page, dont mention nothing about transferring stuff to the system? ive included a copy of what im seeing at bottom of the preferences section;




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