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edit $hook_top

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Hi, Newbie question,

I would like to replace the permalinks and "your account" button with horizontal navigation, I get to the point of finding {$HOOK_TOP} in header.tpl but I don't know how where to go from here, I can put css buttons here for the permalinks, but I'm guessing that's not the right way to do it, any advice or re direct within the forum would be great :D


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Hi, Newbie question,

I would like to replace the permalinks and "your account" button with horizontal navigation, I get to the point of finding {$HOOK_TOP} in header.tpl but I don't know how where to go from here, I can put css buttons here for the permalinks, but I'm guessing that's not the right way to do it, any advice or re direct within the forum would be great :D



There are two ways to do it

  • HTML: You can insert html in header.tpl near hook quotes, but ever you want update links you have to modify tpl and re-compile.
  • Edit LINKS module (not permanentlinks): You can edit links module to allow this one be on the hooktop. This solution is the best, but it´s the hardest. If you don´t know about php programming i really do not recommend.

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