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[SOLVED] BO customer detail on order - display full first name?

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is it possible to have the full first name and last name displayed in the order summary? For example, if the customer is Theodore Testman, it displays only T. Testman - how can I change that so it shows the entire name?


I guess it is a truncate function in the order tab, but I can't find it, nor which code to change. Any help?


Many thanks in advance!



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is it possible to have the full first name and last name displayed in the order summary? For example, if the customer is Theodore Testman, it displays only T. Testman - how can I change that so it shows the entire name?


I guess it is a truncate function in the order tab, but I can't find it, nor which code to change. Any help?


Many thanks in advance!




Hi Dan


The file you require is in admin/tabs/AdminOrders.php


line you wish to alter is


CONCAT(LEFT(c.`firstname`, 1), \'. \', c.`lastname`) AS `customer`,


solution to change this to full name is to come.



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That was bugging me too.


Thanks for the pointer. use this it will still let you search by first or lastname.

They should have there own fields thought :(


CONCAT((c.`firstname` ), \' \', c.`lastname`) AS `customer`,



NOw i just need to add a way to search by company name :)


Anyone got that code sitting around?

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