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Chosen Attribute Not Showing after adding to cart or in admin orders

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I have attributes setup as the following:

Attribute Group: Name Colour

Attributes: Blue, Black, Red, White

I have added these attributes to a product.

On the product page there is a dropdown to choose the colour. I choose Red for example. When I add this to the cart it states Name Colour: Blue, Name Colour: Black, Name Colour: Red, Name Colour: White so I have no idea whatsoever of which colour the customer has chosen. What have I done wrong if anything? Any ideas?

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I was just about to ask the exact same question...

I will appreciate any help with this.

In addition (and may be a part of the problem), when I add to cart items with different attributes selected, they appear in one group on the shopping cart, which makes it impossible to distinguish between the attributes.

Thanks for the help.....

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Did you use the Product Combinations Generator? If you select all the attributes on the 3. Combinations tab and click Add, you will have the problem you are having. Selecting all the options in the Product Combinations Generator, clicking Add and then Generate should work.

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