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Registration fields

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I have a question, how can you change the length of the registration fields ?


The fields under "my account" "adress" are to short, i have looked in the global.css and in other files but i cant find anything.


Please help me?

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Oke i have found something


I have put this code into global.css file in my theme folder.


form#account-creation_form input.text,
form#account-creation_form #id_country,
form#account-creation_form #id_state,
  #authentication textarea,
  #address form p.text input,
  #address form p.textarea textarea { width: 20em }


The only problem is that if i go to the block "my account" and go to "my personal data"

the field is still little and not 20em.


the fields under "adress" are 20em, but the fields under "my personal data" are not changing ?

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