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States not showing in address for checkout

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When trying to checkout as a guest or register as a new user the 'State' field is not appearing. Only country we are shipping to is the USA.

This field was appearing and now it is not. Customers can not checkout without inputting a selection for 'State'. If all other information is inputted and customer's click save they get the following message 'There is 1 error(s):

This country requires a state selection.'.


I have attached the authentication.php file in case this would be a help but I am really clueless as to what is causing this problem.


I would really appreciate any help that could be offered.



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I am having the same problem - It was only noticed when a USA customer could not make an order after I upgraded last week.


Perhaps ScentSplash and I are having the same problem for the same reason! (though computers 'aint always so simple);

Installation details:

Prestashop Version:

Server information: Linux #3 SMP Wed Sep 22 10:20:36 BST 2010 x86_64

Server software Version: Apache

PHP Version: 5.2.17

MySQL Version: 5.0.[spam-filter]community-log


Website: http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta


I get the following errors:

JavaScript - http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/authentication.php

Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: $
Error thrown at line 227, column 0 in http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/js/tools.js:
JavaScript - http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/authentication.php

Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: countriesNeedIDNumber
Error thrown at line 47, column 1 in updateNeedIDNumber(suffix) in http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/themes/modernshop/js/tools/statesManagement.js:
   if ($.inArray(idCountry, countriesNeedIDNumber) >= 0)
called from line 8, column 1 in <anonymous function>() in http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/themes/modernshop/js/tools/statesManagement.js:
called from line 29, column 165 in <anonymous function: ready>(j):
called via Function.prototype.call() from line 37, column 7 in <anonymous function: u>():

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What version of PS do you use?

Are there are Javascript errors on the page?

Can you post a link to your site?




Thanks for your reply. I am using Prestashop Version: When trying to use checkout as a customer I do not get any Javascript error alerts. Store URL is http://www.scentsplash.com. The 'State' drop down menu was working and I was able to place test orders. Then four days ago it stopped appearing.


Thanks again for your help.

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I am having the same problem - It was only noticed when a USA customer could not make an order after I upgraded last week.


Perhaps ScentSplash and I are having the same problem for the same reason! (though computers 'aint always so simple);

Installation details:

Prestashop Version:

Server information: Linux #3 SMP Wed Sep 22 10:20:36 BST 2010 x86_64

Server software Version: Apache

PHP Version: 5.2.17

MySQL Version: 5.0.[spam-filter]community-log


Website: http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta


I get the following errors:

JavaScript - http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/authentication.php

Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: $
Error thrown at line 227, column 0 in http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/js/tools.js:
JavaScript - http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/authentication.php

Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: countriesNeedIDNumber
Error thrown at line 47, column 1 in updateNeedIDNumber(suffix) in http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/themes/modernshop/js/tools/statesManagement.js:
   if ($.inArray(idCountry, countriesNeedIDNumber) >= 0)
called from line 8, column 1 in <anonymous function>() in http://www.rainbowturtle.co.uk/presta/themes/modernshop/js/tools/statesManagement.js:
called from line 29, column 165 in <anonymous function: ready>(j):
called via Function.prototype.call() from line 37, column 7 in <anonymous function: u>():




Thank you for your reply. I apologize but I don't know what file to look in to see if I am getting the same error you are. If you would be kind enough to let me know the path to that file I will check on it. I have searched online for an answer to this problem and it seems like many people are experiencing this or similar problems and there are various answers posted as solutions. I have tried every suggestion I have been able to find but none of them have solved my problem.


Thanks again

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You have the follow JS error (not sure where you were looking for it).


Error: updateState is not defined
Source File: http://www.scentsplash.com/themes/theme156/js/order-opc.js
Line: 374


it looks like your theme is missing that function.

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You have the follow JS error (not sure where you were looking for it).


Error: updateState is not defined
Source File: http://www.scentsplash.com/themes/theme156/js/order-opc.js
Line: 374


it looks like your theme is missing that function.


Thank you so much for your help. I am going to insert it and see if it works.


Thanks again

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I went to look at the code and below is what I see from line 368 to line 377 in file order-opc.js. Is there some other piece of code other than 'updateState();' that needs to be inserted? If so could you let me know what it is? I apologize for being so uninformed about this.


Thanks again for your help.




$('#opc_createAccount').click(function() {










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The best thing would be to compare your version of the file with the default one that come with the Prestahop theme (same PS version as you use).


You can use a program called "beyond compare" it lets you easily compare files and merge them.

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The best thing would be to compare your version of the file with the default one that come with the Prestahop theme (same PS version as you use).


You can use a program called "beyond compare" it lets you easily compare files and merge them.




Thanks again for all your help. Will follow your advice.



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