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What are the modules which you lack and that would be useful to create?

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As part of a survey (audit market) that I put up on the full forums (France and abroad),
I'd like to know the modules for you, you seem essential to develop more, what would be the maximum price you are willing to pay in the form of donations or commissions to PrestaShop to see "up" for sale on their future sales platform?

I will take into account all the suggestions for these modules.
To the maximum rate, thank you to give per module, thank you in advance for your answers,

Sorry for my english language !

Best regards,


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Si vous ne voulez pas être blacklisté avec le module newsletter à dispo sur le forum, installez le module sur un autre serveur ...
Sinon allez sur le site de EZYTRADER.COM , son module ne coûte que 15 euros et est excellent !

[blabla pas bien édité par Damien]

Si vous êtes patient, un autre module newsletter fonctionnant parfaitement et facile à installer en multilangues et GRATUIT pour rester dans l'esprit communautaire de ce forum risque devoir le jour d'ici prochainement, ainsi qu'un module de remise à zéro GRATUIT également en cours de création par des éléves ingénieurs d'une école française. Il sera possible d'obtenir une assistance technique gratuite.



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How about a module to:
- list end edit products, but not by first navigating through categories. The products would be listed in grid form.
- back office ordering: already noted.
- History of currency updates
- multiple shops: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/9664/modules/is_it_not_time_for_multi_store_multiple_shops__module
- newsletter (already noted), but that allow pull the emial list from another table, or from a CSV file..

As regards payment: my PS installation is for a charity so I don't get paid. But I would contribute 50 or 100 euro to an interesting _OpenSource_ module that was really necesary..

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  • 3 months later...

-A module for changing invoice pdf size / line spacing / header spacing / etc.
-An advanced search engine ( include more details for search like price range / manufacture / discount... etc )
-A module to rearrange page size. Like left/home part become wider...

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  • 1 month later...

for me what would be a really usefull modules would be :

- a real bundle function taken attributes into account (a little bit like the combination engine helping to populate the catalog)and allowing people to do their own package (with just some forbidden combiantion ) a little bit like the "do your own computer" logical

-the ability for customers to reorder exactly the same they did in the past : an historic memory of buyings could allow them to reorder without tipping again, a kind of by-passing each order step to gain time, or a variation, would be to reuse the ancient orders as a basis to then modify them without re tipping everything

- improve in the personnalisation function

- the ability to manage multi sites

- changes in the presentation that would put in firts page the login zone (because i have a limited access site)

- a module to manage delivery delays and availibilty of products in a personalisation production flow. I mean it lacks for me a step in the order process where customer could finally confim or not their buyings once i give them the delay needed to produce what they have chosen, brief the order needs some other validation criteria and must not be all automatic like in the default version

i can't pay alone enough for producing these developpments, but would like to group and then could give between 50 and 100 euro per module.

Here you are (i guess) good luck for your suvey

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The most useful module for increasing sales and making the site more useful would be a one page checkout with guest accounts available, so that users don't need to sign up to create an account. Then secondly the ability to generate custom orders from the back office.

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  • 1 month later...

-the ability for customers to reorder exactly the same they did in the past : an historic memory of buyings could allow them to reorder without tipping again, a kind of by-passing each order step to gain time, or a variation, would be to reuse the ancient orders as a basis to then modify them without re tipping everything

Has there been any progress on this module... I run a grocery store (currently with OSC) and this feature is something that would greatly help our customers.

I would be willing to go in and help on any programming costs with Madrilene.

Let me know.
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  • 1 month later...

I am looking for a module that would alert (via a popup or other) the client that he is leaving the site without havinf completed his order... Because several client leave my site thinking they have perform the order when in fact it is not done... I know the process seems clear enough, but hey! What is the arm in trying to close a sale at a last resort!


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