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Test my site. What's wrong here?

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Thanks for your comments. At the beginning I thought that nobody will buy electrical material over the web. But analytics show that a lot of people is looking for that products. And there is a lot a of sites selling the same products online and paying adword as I see.

I expected something about colors, trust mark, payment methods, service, ...


Thanks a lot

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1 year with my site:


Cap Elec Conseils


+/- 100 visitors/day


and only +/- 3 buyers/month


Hi Cap,

When it comes to e-commerce websites, the industry standard is actually 1-2% of visitors who end up making a purchase. Think about how many times you've gone on a website just to browse or compare prices without making a purchase. Many people do this multiple times a day...


However, if you want to increase your conversion rate, you may want to consider offering vouchers and other incentives to try to convince people to make purchases when they visit.


This is a great resource for learning more about how you can improve your shop for your visitors. Take a look at it, I think it could help you a lot.


I hope this helps!



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