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How to add last quantities warning for combinations on product.tpl

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I'm trying to do the following:


1) I allow sales with stock 0 and under

2) When stock is 0 so presta writes availability text for products available later. Till here all works perfect.


Now I want to assign on product.tpl, because this is missing, if a combination of a product already has stock -1,

the extra line of OOS warning, which is


	<p class="warning_inline" id="last_quantities"{if ($product->quantity > $last_qties OR $product->quantity > 0) OR $allow_oosp OR !$product->available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if} >{l s='Warning: Last items in stock!'}</p>


I tried to include this line on <!-- number of item in stock OR isset($combination.list)--> stright after the last span

	<span {if $product->quantity == 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple">{l s='items in stock'}</span>    


by replacing it:


	<span {if $product->quantity == 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple">{l s='items in stock'}</span> {else}                                                                              
<span {if ($product->quantity > 0} style="display: none;"{/if} >{l s='Warning: Last items in stock!'}</span>  

It comes a smarty error.


I also tried:


	<span {if $product->quantity == 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple">{l s='items in stock'}</span> {else}                                                                              
<span {if ($product->quantity > 0} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple">{l s='Warning: Last items in stock!'}</span>  


and this one


<span {if $product->quantity == 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple">{l s='items in stock'}</span>
               <span {if ($product->quantity > 0} class="warning-inline" {/if}</span>


Too Smarty error.


Can somebody please help me ?

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