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can't find upgrade tab after update to 1.4.4

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It should be a text link in the Tools tab, if not don't worry I've seen admin tabs go awol before, but it's (relatively) simple to fix. There are two different things going on here though.


If the tab is Missing, then you need to add it in:


In the Back Office you need to go to Employees --> tabs and click "Add New"


Name : Upgrade

Class: AdminUpgrade


For the image Browse to the 1.4.4 distribution on your PC and select : /img/t/AdminUpgrade.gif


Parent: Tools


That should add it in.


If it's greyed out, then it may be that the access permissions are wrong. Unfortunately you can't modify the administrator permissions.....


From phpMyAdmin you can modify the ps_access table though to get it to work properly. I'll go through it manually step by step, so you can see what's happening:


1. Go to the table ps_employee and note the id_profile value for one of the administrator accounts (they should all the the same) default will likely be '1'. You can next verify that the user is an administrator by looking in the ps_profile_lang table for the record(s) that correspond to a profile_id the same as you've just obtained. There will be one for each language (each id_lang).


2. Next execute the following SQL:

SELECT id_tab
FROM `ps_tab_lang`
WHERE `name` LIKE '%upgrade%';

...and then note down the value returned - there could be more than 1 result but all should return the same number (e.g. '93')


3. Go to the ps_access table and execute the following (remember to replace the placeholders with the values you got from steps 1 and 2 respectively):

FROM `ps_access`
WHERE `id_profile` = '<number from step 1>'
AND `id_tab` = '<number from step 2>'




FROM `ps_access`
WHERE `id_profile` = '1'
AND `id_tab` = '93'


You will either get a row returned or not. If you do get a row returned:


3a. Edit the row and set the values for 'view', 'add', 'edit' and 'delete' to 1. If they already are and the fields are still grey, then post back ;)


If you don't get a row returned then:


3b. while viewing the ps_access table click on the 'Insert' tab at the top of the main listing area, and enter the following values for the fields (in the first set of boxes, you may be offered more than one) and click the 'Go' button below:


id_profile: <enter number from step 1>

id_tab: <enter number from step 2>

view: 1

add: 1

edit: 1

delete: 1


4. That should have fixed it :)



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hi paul, it's all fine now. the upgrade tab display in tools.


when i click it.


the notice display: You currently don't need to use this feature.



there is no other function like: file, database backup.


Best Regards.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I had the same issue and found that AdminUpgrade.php was not in my /admin folder (/admin was of course renamed). Also, some files were missing from /classes folder (error tells which one after you add php file to /admin folder).


Now, I get the message "You currently don't need to use this feature.".

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I just tried to upgrade to also.

I didn't have the Upgrade tab after upgrading to 1.4.4 so added in the tab as per Paul's first suggestion.

This got me to the upgrade page, but when I try to upgrade, I get the following message:


Your current prestashop version :


Last version is final (

information Latest Prestashop version available is: final


Upgrade PrestaShop now !

Currently processing :

[server Error] Status message : error"

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  • 1 month later...

I also have the "Tab file cannot be found." error.

Tried the things that Paul C suggested but that didn't help.

The strange thing is that I have an exact copy of my site on my homeserver for testing. On my homeserver I do have the ability to update!

My live site runs on a VPS. Could it be a hardware thing?

All suggestions are welcome!



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