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[Solved] Error of link

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I uploaded one picture on my website on yesterday. My picture's name is C1935. I uploaded successfully, but after I had checked, I discover the name of this picture changed, it is "6-macbook". Please see this link: http://yeuviet.vn/dangxinh/ao-thun/6-macbook.html and http://yeuviet.vn/dangxinh/6-50-thickbox/macbook.jpg


Please help me to overcome! Thank you so much.

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I uploaded one picture on my website on yesterday. My picture's name is C1935. I uploaded successfully, but after I had checked, I discover the name of this picture changed, it is "6-macbook". Please see this link: http://yeuviet.vn/dangxinh/ao-thun/6-macbook.html and http://yeuviet.vn/dangxinh/6-50-thickbox/macbook.jpg


Please help me to overcome! Thank you so much.


Dang, have you changed the file path in your code? When I inspect the element on my end, it's listed there as 6-macbook as well.

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I uploaded one picture on my website on yesterday. My picture's name is C1935. I uploaded successfully, but after I had checked, I discover the name of this picture changed, it is "6-macbook". Please see this link: http://yeuviet.vn/dangxinh/ao-thun/6-macbook.html and http://yeuviet.vn/dangxinh/6-50-thickbox/macbook.jpg


Please help me to overcome! Thank you so much.


Dang, have you changed the file path in your code? When I inspect the element on my end, it's listed there as 6-macbook as well.



All of things are default. This error appeared when I turned on URL Rewritting function. After I turned off it, Categories block (of left column) got 404 error. So, I turned on again. But then both Categories block (of left column)and Categories block (top)got 404 error.

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I uploaded one picture on my website on yesterday. My picture's name is C1935. I uploaded successfully, but after I had checked, I discover the name of this picture changed, it is "6-macbook". Please see this link: http://yeuviet.vn/dangxinh/ao-thun/6-macbook.html and http://yeuviet.vn/dangxinh/6-50-thickbox/macbook.jpg


Please help me to overcome! Thank you so much.


Dang, have you changed the file path in your code? When I inspect the element on my end, it's listed there as 6-macbook as well.


I fixed this error, thank you so much for your attention.


@Admin: Please close this topic. Thank you!

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Hi Dang,

I am going to mark this as solved, but please post your solution here for others. Many people run a search for their question before posting in case it has already been asked, and you may be able to help someone before they even ask the question if you post your solution here.



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