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Hey guys, I am building a "Hookah" website for someone and they are pretty easy about how it looks most of the design/layout and functions are up to me on how it works so from the general public as a customer and merchant I am asking for suggestions to make it a better site landing page, home page and so on. Also if your familiar with prestashop what as a customer would you like to see in a shop and as a merchant what do you think would be good to have? I love constructive feedback!!!

Here is the site



p.s. the site will have "Hookah stuff"


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Hi tjg,

On first glance, I would suggest you upload images as transparent PNGs rather than JPGs. This way, you'll be able to eliminate the white bar on either side of each image. I know you'll eventually be replacing those with your actual product images, but it's something to keep in mind as you're preparing to upload the files.

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