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Can't login to admin. Right email but wrong password

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Hi! Can anybody help me?

I installed prestashop in localserver using wamp, I've been using it for two months and everything just fine until now. I can't login to admin section. I entered right email and right password (maybe not)


employee does not exist, or bad password


so I use the "lost password" link but the message never arrive to my email.

Is there a way I can reset my password?

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i sort of overcame this problem by someone here suggesting to eliminate the password authentication in
prestashop/admin123 (or whatever you named it after install)/login.php

go to line 47 and change this
elseif (!Validate::isPasswd($passwd))
$errors[] = Tools::displayError('invalid password');

to this:

/*elseif (!Validate::isPasswd($passwd))
$errors[] = Tools::displayError('invalid password');*/

This is just temporary and will not work if you leave it like this after moving your shop to a different directory so don't forget to change it back before you do that.

The best way to overcome the password issue when updating database is:

install prestashop with new admin password
export ps_employee table.sql that has the new password
import old database that has the old password
drop ps_employee table that has the old password
import ps_employee table.sql that has the new password

For any other issues I have no idea, these are the ones I have had and managed to resolve.

Good luck everyone!:)

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The simplest way to generate a new password (for example "mypassword") is as follows :

1/ Open /config/settings.inc.php and copy the _COOKIE_KEY_ value, a string like :

2/ Open www.md5.fr or www.md5.cz and in the field, past the copied string immediately followed (without space) by your password :
Submit the form and copy the generated MD5 hash which is like :

3/ In your database, in the ps_employe table, locate the record that contains the e-mail address you want to use to connect to the BO, modify this record, and past the MD5 hash in the passwd field. Submit the form.

4/ Connect to the BO.

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