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Image Manufacturer In The Footer.Tpl

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I changed the footer.tpl to have the images of the manufacturers in the footer.

my problem is that it tells me no marks.


But in my manufacturer page, I have my images.


Can you help me please so that images appear in the footer on this site as




my website : http://www.eurodeal4u.Fr


thanks for you help




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	{if !$content_only}
       <!-- Block logos marques -->

   <div class="block_content" id="block_marques">

    <h4 class="titre_block_design"><a href="{$base_dir}manufacturer.php" title="{l s='Manufacturers' mod='blockmanufacturer'}">NOS MARQUES</a></h4>

    {if $manufacturers}

     {if $text_list}

      {foreach from=$manufacturers item=manufacturer name=manufacturer_list}

       {if $smarty.foreach.manufacturer_list.iteration <= $text_list_nb}

        <a href="{$link->getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="Afficher tous les produits de la marque {$manufacturer.name}"><img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer.id_manufacturer|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}-logo_fabricant.jpg" alt="{$manufacturer.name}" width="143" height="50" /></a>





     <p>Aucune marque</p>



<!-- Footer -->
		<div id="footer2">
			<div class="page">{$HOOK_FOOTER}{$HOOK_RIGHT_COLUMN}


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