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CRITICAL! "Fatal error" when changing order status

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We just upgraded our site to PS last night. It seemed to go just fine but now we can't change the status of existing sales orders. We get a "Fatal error" when we try to change the status.


This means that we can't process orders in our shop which is fatal.


What could be causing this error and how do we fix it - anyone?




Best regards,



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giusepped: Thanks for your post. I have compared the patch you have provided but the code is the same in the version of PS that we're running ( However we still experience the error.


This is getting quite ciritcal for us because we can't change order status and thereby informing customers of the order progress.



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I am having the same problem. I am using When i try to change the ststus of an order to for example cancelled I get a page saying "Fatal error".


I have just installed the shop and started making products. It was open and somebody made an "Jonh Doe" order using cheque payment. I have changed it so only my IP can use the shop and wanted to cancel the order.

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